
  • We Rise

    We are rising higher to gain a greater understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe, pushing past our comfort zone, using our understanding and innovative ways to move us forward, while including and benefiting from the wisdom and experiences we’ve gained from our past. We rise. We are called from within, from our […]

  • The Pause is the Answer!

    When we pause for Divine Guidance, we realize: the pause IS the answer! No matter how we are doing or what we are going through, we have an amazing spiritual consciousness—our natural state of Beingness—that is patiently waiting for us to discover, to use, and to count on to create resolutions and healing in our […]

  • Living Your Authentic Life

    And we have to ask, what are our core values—those things in which we believe so passionately that we look forward to practicing and expressing them in our lives? Core values like Integrity, Joy, Creativity, Love…  We then can develop the courage to live in integrity with our values. We must find a way so that […]