Integrating Spirit, Mind and Body
I am an author, transformational life coach, speaker, and teacher, dedicated to helping people integrate spirit, mind, and body in order to live each day with a deep sense of purpose, passion and fulfillment.
Do you love your life–all of it, every wild and crazy moment of it? Yes, it’s been an interesting year—or two—and it is time to create something new!
Are you living your passion? Do you wake up excited about how the day will unfold? Are you using the gifts you know you were born with?
Wherever you are in life, are you able to see the beauty and joy that is abundant everywhere? To experience unconditional love that surrounds us in every sunrise, and releases itself in every flower?
Are you living enlightened?
The easy answer is: It means to love your life! And live your passion!
Living enlightened means to be right where you are, doing exactly what you are doing, being with whoever you’re with—and seeing the love, joy, and the beauty in all of it.
Enlightenment is experiencing the lightness of Being. It is a connection to our true Nature, our essential Self.
I set out to fix what felt broken in me. Even as a kid I felt lost, although I had a happy childhood, good parents, great schools, wonderful friends and family…
I still felt like something was missing, like I wasn’t given a few pieces of the puzzle, and I was searching for the missing puzzle pieces. It seemed as though every one around me was content with the way things were.
With all that I had, I felt oddly alone and like I couldn’t figure out true happiness.
Have you ever felt like that?
I searched through religions for answers, but it wasn’t until I studied the world’s mystic traditions that I discovered a direct path that led to awareness and a sense of wholeness and oneness. I learned to integrate my spirit, mind and body.
I finally felt whole and connected to life. Even though I had felt lucky all my life, being lucky meant that my luck could run out… Now, I could love my life, every hill and valley, every change, every transition. I feel a sense of peace, the peace that passes all understanding, in knowing my true nature.
Looking into my life now—you might not know that much has changed. I’m still chopping wood and fetching water, as the Buddhist saying goes… But my life is abundant and full of beauty and joy and peace. It feels like every moment of every day has purpose and meaning.
It’s not that things don’t go wrong. Living enlightened does not make anyone immune to the flow of life and nature. The difference is in the way we deal with what is before us.
I have had a few things shake me to my core, such as being diagnosed with cancer—twice. And most recently, my teenage son experienced being very sick for a long time with some very difficult prognoses. If I didn’t have these teachings, practices and experience, I am not sure we would have seen the healthy outcome that we both experienced.
Most of us are living life from the outside in. The news, the economic indicators, the corona virus pandemic, the dramatic changes in lifestyle are all so overwhelming.
When we learn to live from the inside out we become sustained by the power within, we become directed by our intuitive sense, we become healed, energized, and filled with vitality, and all of this brings true happiness.
Enlightenment is simply a sense of wholeness, a oneness with all of life; it is living in the present moment and integrating spirit, mind, and body.
When we are centered in wholeness, we are not looking for anything out there to complete us. We know that we are already complete. And we bring that into everything we do.
It took me a long time to learn what I now know. I’ve been to many retreats and workshops, and taken what seems like an infinite amount of classes. I still do! I am always learning and growing. Yet, I know it doesn’t have to take you the time that it took me to experience this profound realization. I know that we can change our lives the moment we commit to doing it.
All we need is a roadmap, and some guidance and support now and again!
“I loved having the support and understanding that Elizabeth provided for me. I needed some drastic changes in my life and wasn’t ready to create them. I didn’t know how. She gave me tools and practices and worksheets to keep me on track. I am in a much better place than I could’ve imagined 6 months ago. Thank you, Elizabeth!”
Missy K. – Coaching Client
Journey into Loving your life – Living your Passion. Elizabeth has been a transformational teacher and coach for over 22 years.
As a speaker, Elizabeth’s talks are always engaging, entertaining, and powerful. She creates memorable talks packed with inspiration and transformation.
Learn more about meditation, mindfulness or mysticism. Elizabeth’s classes are filled with information, tools and practices to lead you into personal transformation.
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